
arizona correspondence society society

Writing a letter can be a simple mindful practice that benefits you and your recipient. Take a moment to go​ analog with letter writing.

The Evolution of Mr. ZIP: A Pioneering Postal Ambassador

In the annals of American postal history, one whimsical character stands out as an iconic symbol of postal efficiency and modernization: Mr. ZIP. Created in the early 1960s by the United States Postal Service (USPS), Mr. ZIP played a pivotal role in promoting the use...

The Enduring Value of Cursive Writing for Children

In today's digital age, where keyboards and touchscreens dominate our communication, one might wonder if there's still a place for teaching children cursive writing. After all, isn't it a relic of the past, soon to be rendered obsolete by technology? However, the...

March Letter Social- Karen Sanson’s Glue Notes

For those who were not able to attend our March Letter Social...Karen Sanson provided her notes regarding different types of adhesives. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.    Hello everyone, I am Karen Sanson (for those of you who do not...

Raising a Little Love through Love Letters

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, you may be contemplating what you will do for that special person. While most people think... special dinner, flowers, candy- maybe Valentine's card that you can slap your signature on. Ho-hum. That may be all well and...